Saturday, July 4, 2020

Happy Birthday America!

Our greatness lies in recognizing the trying to address the injustices of the past.  Our future potential is great.  We must break the chains of lies and false strengths...freedom belongs to everyone.  Bring down the false supremacy of the despot bolsterd by foreign enemies (also corrupted by addiction to power).  

Oh beautiful for spacious skies unblackened by greed and corruption.  Amber waves of grains of precious, fragile freedom preserved only by courage and truth.  Ocean waves of justice embraces our shores protecting us with the power of truth and love.

United We Stand

Friday, July 3, 2020

July 3 Octopus

the day before Independence Day, quite a symbol of what we stand for

Wednesday, July 1, 2020

July 1 Very Sad Day

the national democrats once again support, not the best candidate, but the one THEY think will win.
Here is an orange fish, political calculations can be very fishy
very sad